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Public Chat

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We'll have our usual chart CHARTS MARKUP SESSION tomorrow, and it's absolutely FREE for all.

But due to the end of the year cross-over personal dealings on "beliefs", my time will not be suitable to hold the class at our usual 4 p.m. EST. So in that case, we have decided to bring the session to 2.30 p.m. EST and 8.30 p.m. GMT+1 tomorrow and I expect everyone to join. Let's look at the chart together ahead of the market opening this week. We do this every Sunday, giving everyone views on so many pairs that you can have options to trade when the market opens.


Dec 30, 2023

We analyse using a big time frame during the session, then once the market opens, we switch to a lower time frame to get our entry during live trading sessions. For those analysis that don't go our way as forecasted, we take a lesson from it and move on.


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